
Publish Content Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to Spartan Horse Media Ltd. This policy governs all content published, shared, or reposted on our platform by users, dealers, and brands. By posting content, you agree to adhere to this policy.

2. Content Ownership & Rights

a. Original Content: Content you publish should be original and belong to you. Ensure you possess all necessary rights and permissions.
b. Resharing & Reposting: Resharing content from other networks or sources is allowed, provided you have necessary permissions or rights. Always credit original creators.
c. Music Copyright: Users must have rights to use any music accompanying their videos. Unauthorized or copyrighted music may result in content removal.

3. Prohibited Content

Content should NOT:
a. Promote violence, discrimination, or hate.
b. Be sexually explicit or pornographic.
c. Support or encourage illegal activities, including drugs or gambling.
d. Infringe on intellectual property rights.
e. Child safety
DriveGT has a zero-tolerance policy against child sexual abuse in either text, imagery, or audio.We strictly prohibit the use of Street Feed or Profiles or Garages or Pages to create, possess, or distribute child sexual abuse text, imagery, or audio. Be advised that we work closely with law enforcement. We will report purveyors of child exploitation, and any content promoting these activities will be removed. Repeat violations, or particularly egregious violations of this policy will result in account deactivation.
f. Copyright
Respect copyright laws. We will respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. Repeated infringement of intellectual property rights, including copyright, will result in account termination. Read more about DriveGT copyright policies.

4. User Privacy & Data

a. Do not publish private or confidential information of others, including addresses, phone numbers, email IDs, etc., without explicit consent.
b. Respect the privacy of others. Sharing content that intrudes on someone's privacy is strictly prohibited.

5. Videos & Media

a. Quality: Videos should be clear and of decent quality, relevant to the platform's automotive theme.
b. Length: Ensure that videos, especially those in Car Shorts, are optimized for mobile viewing and align with platform guidelines on length.
c. Sound: Avoid distorted or excessively loud audio. As mentioned, ensure no copyright infringements on music.
Videos size: must be under 100Mb.
Photos size: must be under 16Mb.

6. Interactions & Community Behavior

a.Comments & Replies: Be respectful. Avoid using derogatory or inflammatory language. Bullying, harassment, or intimidation will not be tolerated.
b.Sharing & Liking: Use these tools responsibly. Excessive or spammy behavior may result in penalties or account suspension.
c.Incitement to violence or terrorism is not permitted. This includes materials that are intended to harass, or which threaten to cause serious physical injury or death to an individual or rally support to physically harm others. In addition, we will not allow extremely graphically violent or scatological materials.

7. Brands & Dealers Specifics

a. Brands should focus content around their automotive products and services. Direct or aggressive selling tactics are discouraged.
b. Dealers should maintain clarity and authenticity in car listings. Misrepresentation may result in content removal.

8. Enforcement & Consequences

a. We reserve the right to review, monitor, and remove content violating this policy.
b. Users, dealers, or brands found consistently breaching this policy might face temporary suspensions or permanent bans.

9. Feedback & Revisions

Your feedback helps us refine our policies. We may revise these guidelines periodically and will notify members of significant changes.

10. Spam, misleading & disappointing content

Do not provide content that misleads users, provides a poor user experience, could be considered spam, or is malware. Material that isn’t allowed includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Unwanted promotional or commercial content
  • Unwanted or mass solicitation
  • Transmission of malware, viruses, or anything that may disrupt the service or harm others.

By posting content on Spartan Horse Media Ltd., you acknowledge and agree to adhere to these guidelines. Let's create a respectful and enjoyable community for all.